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Thursday, 04 March 2010


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George Furness

I believe I and a friend are in the possession of a reel of film documenting Amos Burg's trip through England via the canal system. I haven't been able to view the entire reel since it is (54mm, I believe).

I have seen some frames of it and the automobiles and background seem to indicate the canal system. Haven't seen enough frames to confirm my thoughts, but will continue looking. Unfortunately Amos seemed to be interested more in his surroundings than photographing himself at a lock or on the canal.

Further viewing may reveal more information.
Keep in touch.

Charlie Hamilton James

Andrew I'm going to work something up and pitch it - that's how I came across your page.
Thanks for doing the PDF very useful
Charlie (Nat Geo photographer in UK)

Jaqueline Almdale

Thank you for sharing this wonderful article. I printed it out. The map which was included helps me tremendously as I travel the canals via Google earth. England may be a small country by some folks' reckoning, but it is amazingly huge, varied, and fascinatng as seen from space with the zoom feature. I had no idea how far off I was on where towns were located on the canals until I read this article, reveiwed the map of the canals, and visited them with GE. Until I can get there, it will suffice. Many thanks for your generosity.
Pullman WA USA

andy tidy

Wow, what a treasure trove - and all for $60. A bargain.
I am tempted.
Capt A

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