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« Webasto gets new dealer at Mercia Marina | Main | Cool Canals goes online »

Thursday, 10 December 2009


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Paul Savage (NB Adreva)

What did you think was not possible Geld?


Hammer! Das hätte ich gar nicht für möglich gehalten ;-)

Hugh McKnight

I am one of "the two men" in the jousting match: the one on the left. We believed in extreme measures if they were calculated to save the canals. In fact, I cut my foot quite badly during this activity, but I was very brave, hardly complained at all and did not want to bother the local hospital. But then I was 19 at the time. I had travelled in a 12ft open boat all the way from Shepperton on Thames to Stourbridge to this, one of the most exciting events of my far from unexciting life. See my recollections of early IWA Nationals in the August 2010 issue of "Canal Boat & Inland Waterways " magazine. HUGH McKNIGHT


Is it just the film being speeded up slightly, or do those boats seem to be going *REALLY* fast? Perhaps that was the norm?

Dave Edwards

I love the reference to "car-choked roads" in the Aylesbury clip. My recollection of 1961 is that about one family in ten had a car - now it's four cars per family...


Ah, those were the days, all you needed was a Bedford van welded to half a pontoon and there it was... a boat! Everyone mucked in and it's not just 'rose coloured spectacles'...people WERE nicer :-)

Martin Ward

Treasure indeed - thanks. Did you see the BW working pair featured on


I think you may have your links wrong, try for Aylesbury

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