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« Canals cool for cats | Main | Liveaboard life and the three Rs »

Sunday, 26 July 2009


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Brilliant! I find myself singing all the time when cruising, especially if I'm on my own. On goes the ipod and away I go, I just have to remember to stop for oncoming boats. Oh and I hope you were also doing the appropriate actions!

Richard  Smith

please will you dub a throbbing diesel on?

dub a dub a dub a dub etc. Cheers Capn.

Max Sinclai

Deepest sympathy to the Bats


very good andrew, you only need to learn control of voice and you could make records from all different tunnels!!!lol

Debbie Davies

Hi Andrew, have you ever listened to a DJ on the radio, and imagined what they look like? Then to be rally surprised when you see them, because they look nothing like you had thought! Well thats how I felt when I heard you singing in the tunnel! I don't quite know what I thought you would sound like, just not like that!

I have to say you have a nice radio voice, nice lilting tones. As for the singing, don't give up the day job!

Debbie Nb Tikety Boo

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