I said a couple of days ago I was 'quite tunnelled out'. OK, so I lied. But that promise was only about Standedge, really. I love all canal tunnels and will never stop talking about them.
In particular, I love the acoustics.
The problem with diesel boats in tunnels is the engine noise. If there's one big reason to have an electric boat, I'd say it was to enjoy the sound of going through a tunnel. Every noise is amplified and echoed back to you. And what better way to use an acoustic than to sing?
I've got a new game. I'll call it crickaoke. The other day I was going through Crick Tunnel when I couldn't resist it, I got up a bit of speed, turned the engine off, and began to sing my heart out.
It's like a giant bathroom; you can almost bathe in the acoustics. Oh my. The delusion it grants you. Standing in the dark on the counter, the glow from inside the cabin shining like limelight, the lapping water gently applauding every note and every wrong and incompetent key-change, you feel you have an imaginary but adoring audience of millions.
In the YouTube video (Your Hundred Worst Tunes) you only hear my 'Amarillo' at the end of the tunnel, as we emerge blinking back in real life. I spared you my 'Painting the clouds with sunshine' and 'Laughing on the outside' and 'Singing in the rain', three other favourite crickaoke songs.
I can understand how the legend of Kit Crewbucket arose.
Brilliant! I find myself singing all the time when cruising, especially if I'm on my own. On goes the ipod and away I go, I just have to remember to stop for oncoming boats. Oh and I hope you were also doing the appropriate actions!
Posted by: Emma | Monday, 27 July 2009 at 11:15 PM
please will you dub a throbbing diesel on?
dub a dub a dub a dub etc. Cheers Capn.
Posted by: Richard Smith | Sunday, 26 July 2009 at 11:14 PM
Deepest sympathy to the Bats
Posted by: Max Sinclai | Sunday, 26 July 2009 at 06:05 PM
very good andrew, you only need to learn control of voice and you could make records from all different tunnels!!!lol
Posted by: pete | Sunday, 26 July 2009 at 04:26 PM
Hi Andrew, have you ever listened to a DJ on the radio, and imagined what they look like? Then to be rally surprised when you see them, because they look nothing like you had thought! Well thats how I felt when I heard you singing in the tunnel! I don't quite know what I thought you would sound like, just not like that!
I have to say you have a nice radio voice, nice lilting tones. As for the singing, don't give up the day job!
Debbie Nb Tikety Boo
Posted by: Debbie Davies | Sunday, 26 July 2009 at 01:24 PM