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« ... and when did they know it, and when will they reply? | Main | Crane lifts out cars over canal in Macclesfield »

Friday, 23 January 2009


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Rickmansworth Waterways Trust

We have a working model canal system: the Little Union Canal. It's next to the Grand Union at Batchworth Lock in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire. check it out if you're ever in the area!

Baz Juniper

Having now dipped into Andy's blog I am reminded of a boat called 'N-gage' [spelling possible awry] whose crew helped us down part of the Caen Hill locks a few summers back after a gear cable snapped on our boat. We breasted the two boats up and N_gage propelled the pair through several locks whilst I jury rigged the gear linkage with a bent coat-hanger, that splendid standby of the amateur engineer. I initially thought the boat name was a Star Trek reference but, peering into the cabin, I saw that there was a complex N gauge model railway under construction.

Baz Juniper

The 'original' Legoland in Billund has [or had - my only visit was in 1991] a working staircase of about 5 locks which a Lego boat would descend at regular intervals before chugging off across a small lake.

Dave Baynham

Would be good to see a working model of the BCN with the Trent Mersey and Staff or Worcs

Andrew Denny

Halfie: See my post from 2004, "A Dee, a toy, a canal - Lidl!"


I recall someone mentioning a working model canal system being sold by Lidl (or was it Aldi?) a while back. Others then tried to get it but there were none left.

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