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« Oak Afloat leaflet at Cowley Lock | Main | Impressions of a honeymoon on a narrowboat »

Saturday, 31 January 2009


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Capt Ahab

A very witty post Andrew. Made me chuckle.

Tony Blews

Ah Caitlin Moran. Being from Wolverhampton, no wonder she hates Stoke (but then a lot of people from Stoke hate Stoke).


Well, I wasn't going to criticise her for using the common term 'barge'. It's irritating but I'll put up with that.


Alas, it transpires that she seems to think a narrowboat is a barge too, perhaps this woman should've taken her kids on an all inclusive holiday to spain instead, you know, the sort whereby she & hers would be rounded up like cattle, fighting for food before it develops salmonella in the heat, scrabbling for sunbeds at 4am, swimming in the swimming pool full of sh*t, oh & don't forget the overcrowded Blackpool beach imitation... Sounds like she's more suited to that kind of thing... Bloody good luck to her...


CM spent long enough hanging around Camden 10-15 years ago as the NME's latest 'enfant terrible', she must have notice the canals back then.

Innocent, I don't think... ;-)


Clearly I'm just a huge pedant- my post here ( is a bit more scathing of the "barge" holiday.

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