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Thursday, 16 October 2008


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roy Johnson

Thanks for the info. on Escape The Rat Race,, My residence is in Southern Calif. Use ,, and has been my entire life ,, After my uncle wrote a book on Motheres side of family tree ,, i found an extensive welsh /english family tree ,, and have spent a 3 &half week vacation driving around england ,, castles and old,old road houses, and the white lion Inn ,,(where dickens is known to have stayed) and just loved every minute ,, and would jump at the chance to visit again , and the Canal system , and boats ,just make it more inviting ,, but after checking the prices for a week or 2 from the many hire fleets ,, I was giving up ,,on a narrow boat vacation ,, While the "Escape The Rat Race" service website does not offer spefics on rate the numbers noted are encourgeing, and would offer more time for visiting Castles ,,
Hmmm ,,also now the finical climate has me working ,, mostly all the time ,, so i do not know when,, I am working on it ,,,,
thanks again


Wooow... less than 100 comments!!... I have to take advantage of this and write my comment on your site... ok... what should I write??... mmm, I don't think my criminal history would help me gain your sympathy, uh?? haha... in any case, I would like to say that I believe you're a incredible blogger and writer... so, thanks for that.. now I know I'm not a robot. well, this comment is gettin' too long to be read, so i'll stop now...

Paul Clay

Hi, good to read your comments.
I have just been in touch with ETRC and enquired regarding the long-term hire of a narrowboat to see if we are 'suited' to living afloat permanently. I will let you know how matters progress with them.
Apart from that, would you recommend any other approach to the way in which we are considering this?
Any help or advice would be appreciated?
Maybe there are fellow boat people out there who may consider renting their boat out for a period of time (obviously references would be supplied)
Paul & Bev


having walked past 'Beaune Idyll' on Tuesday, still out in the yard, I'd say she was far from being available 'now!!' (their exclamation marks). At least the 'boat brochure' is more forthcoming. There's a very good reason why there's no pictures on her page...

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