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« Marple to Romiley | Main | Romiley to Portland Basin »

Monday, 03 December 2007


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I am in Australia, I have one of these bins that I purchased through a catalogue left at my door years ago.
Can I still get them here in Australia? I would like 2 more

Helen Catterall

Betterware's carrier bag bin is a great idea. Unfortunately, I now use the multi-use fabric bags for my supermarket shopping and so plastic bags are now less available.


I have had 2 of these bins over the last 15 - 20 years but the 2nd has just broken and Betterware no longer seem to do them - now the only ones I can find are more fancy - does anyone know where I can get something comparable?

Helen Catterall

This item is a great idea from Betterware (in theory.) However, I find that like other posters, I rarely have plastic bags any more as I try whenever possible to re-use canvas bags for shopping to help the environment.

Dave Nicoll

The first one we had did fail after a couple of years but we liked the compactness, hidden away from the dogs, ease of use etc. and immediatly ordered a new one which, we found, had an improved design and was even better.
Ps. I have no connection with the company.

Baz Juniper

No, Steve, you're not sad - it's a useful device. We've had one on our boat for many years and it's stood the test of time. I'm slightly guilty about the bags only having one additional trip. I've been wondering whether the compostable bin liners sold in supermarkets would do the trick. I feel an experiment coming on next year.

Steve Parkin

Oh I am really sad responding to this but I suppose I must.

We had a Betterware Carrier Bag Bin some years ago on our last boat. It was useful for a while but I am afraid to say it didn't last.

So what do we do now? Well we are still recycling supermarket bags but we simply use them to line a plastic bucket under the sink. I know the bucket doesn't have a lid but we don't let our rubbish get that smelly. The bucket, of course, has many other uses onboard but gets most use when Albert (that's our boat) gets a well earned wash down.

Well I suppose this response is one up on the inevitable discussions about toilets which is every boaters favourite topic!

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