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« Turning at Hawkesbury Junction | Main | Alert lock keeper's dog, Atherstone »

Monday, 13 August 2007


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ady quartermain

I worked in the area of Somerton lock in the 80s for British Rail's local track gang and remember being told that a farmer would not let the family who lived in the lock keeper's house cross his land. Was this your family?


I must say this is lovely to see. My Dad actually lived in this Cottage in the early 80's but unfortunately didnt live the dream he had hoped for. He had so many plans and ideas but due to unforseen circumstances it all went wrong. The house was eventually condemned and he ended up loosing everything. I however have fond memories and used to have so much fun on the weekednds I stayed there! Being about ten years old and having all that space to roam about in was wonderful. It wasnt quite so much fun having to walk what seemed like miles down a muddy tow path to get to the house though! At times my Dad had a little speed boat to get to the road at Somerton where he was lucky enough to be able to park at some kind souls drive! However the boat often would get vandalised while it was left in Somerton. I have been thinking about this place a lot lately and am hoping to go back to have a peek sometime soon. I was so pleased to be able to find your piece on it and the photos! Great to see it looking so pretty and I wish the owners well and hope they are enjoying the lifestyle. Like you I would love to win the lottery and purchase it but maybe just for a holiday home ha ha

Andrew Denny

Gill, I don't know. Pardon my ignorance, But are there any lockkeepers' cottages in Essex/Suffolk?
But I believe there are estate agents specialising in waterside properties, although I don't remember which they are now, sorry.


Am looking to purchase a Lock keepers cottage. Prefer Essex / Suffolk.

How do I find out what is coming onto the market for sale?

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